National Resuscitation Action Group

CPR is easy, anyone can save a life

National Resuscitation Action Group (Nationales Aktionsbündnis Wiederbelebung – NAWIB)

The National Resuscitation Action Group (NAWIB) is committed to educating laypersons in Germany about resuscitation and to showing that resuscitation is easy, anyone can save a life. The most important thing is to do something. Only a few steps are required in an emergency:


Behind the Action Group, there are numerous professional associations and aid organisations that advocate resuscitation by lay first-aiders. Together they aim to raise awareness of this important topic, provide information, and thus encourage more people to help out in emergencies. NAWIB also supports nationwide initiatives on the subject of resuscitation.

NAWIB is supported by the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA). 


NAWIB Office
Federal Centre for Health Education
Maarweg 149-161
50825 Cologne

Tel. +49 (0) 221 8992-0
Fax: +49 (0) 221 8992-300